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The Sette


Product Details

Checkmate. Cheerful and unassuming, the Green Gingham Tablecloth is perfect for meals indoors and out.
Composition: 100% Linen

  • Small: 170x270 cm
  • Medium: 170x310cm
  • Large: 170x360cm

  • Made in Italy


    About The Sette

    Pronounced /set/, The Sette was founded by Cloe and its mission is to help lay the foundation for one's most memorable meals.
    Focusing on the finest craftsmanship, the brand offers table and kitchenware that is relaxed and optimistic. Here, essential items with unique flavor—colorful cutlery, printed linens, scallop-edged plates—are to be found.

    Shipping & Return Policy
    Ships from United Kingdom. As per the designer's policy, this item is returnable for a full refund or exchange within 14 days from the date that the order was delivered to you.

    Our Cult Causes are how we highlight our platform values, our commitment to encourage more conscious purchases, and how we will work towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals with our brands. Learn More

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