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Sarah's Bag


Product Details

Add a touch of elegance to your look with our stunning hand-embellished Straw Clutch! The natural straw fabric is adorned with beautiful pearls and glass beads, creating a unique and stylish look. The magnetic fastening ensures easy access to your belongings, while the faux suede lining keeps them organized. The brass handle adds a touch of sophistication and allows for easy carrying. Perfect for a special occasion or a casual outing, this clutch will elevate any outfit. Treat yourself to our Straw Clutch and stand out from the crowd with its unique and stunning design.

Measurements: Width: 22cm / Height: 20cm / Depth: 2cm

About Sarah's Bag

You asked, we listened. Cult Mia’s favorite Sarah’s Bag is back. One-of-a-kind designs, traditional techniques, and new materials - Sarah’s Bag is this and more. The label is a social enterprise which employs female workers all over Lebanon to provide you with 100% handmade bags. An artisan can work up to 25 hours on a single piece from Sarah’s bag to bring these designs to life. Treat yourself with a unique handcrafted bag, or gift one.

Shipping & Return Policy
Ships from Lebanon. As per the designer’s return policy, this item is made to order and therefore not eligible for a return. If you receive your order and the item is defective, you have 5 business days to communicate the fault.

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